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3rd Workshop - Schedule

Unless otherwise noted, all presentations available here are in Portuguese.

Presentations (Monday, December 13th, 2004)
Time Speaker Subject Presentation Files
9:00 Fabio Kon (USP) Opening N/A
09:30 Raphael Yokoingawa de Camargo (USP) Checkpointing-based Rollback Recovery of Parallel Applications
10:00 Rodrigo Barbosa (USP) MobiGrid: Mobile Agents in the Grid
10:30 Antonio Carlos Theophilo Costa Junior (PUC-Rio) Crossing FireWall/NAT using the O2 ORB
11:30 LUNCH Professor's Club (mandatory)
14:00 Ulisses Kendi Hayashida (USP) Parallel Algorithms in the Grid
14:30 Edson/Christiane
Designing BSP/CGM Algorithms for Grids
15:00 Henrique/Hércules
Designing BSP/CGM Algorithms for Grids
15:30 Tiago Motta Jorge (USP) LUPA Implementation
16:00 Eduardo Guerra (USP) A Development Environment for the Integrade in Eclipse
16:30 Reinaldo (PUC-Rio) O2: An ORB in Lua
Reserved for academic meetings and discussion groups

Presentations (Tuesday, December 14th, 2004)
Time Speaker Subject Presentation Files
08:30 Fernando(USP) SAT solver in the Grid
09:00 Vladimir Emiliano Moreira Rocha (USP) P2P Protocol for finding GRMs
09:30 vacancy

10:00 Francisco José da Silva e Silva (UFMA) InteGrade in Maranhão
10:30 Fabio Costa InteGrade in Goiás
10:45 Walter Geophysical Applicatons in the InteGrade
11:30 LUNCH Professor's Club (mandatory)
13:00 Andrei Goldchleger Master Thesis exposition
15:00 Fabio Kon Closing