Palestra The History of Free Software and Computer Science


O CCSL convida você a participar da Palestra The History of Free Software and Computer Science, ministrada por Jon "Maddog" Hall, Director of Linux International.

Data: 22/08 (quinta-feira)
Horário: às 10hs
Local: auditório do CCSL no IME-USP
O seminário é válido para a série de Seminário de Sistemas.

Abstract: A lot of people think that Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) started with Richard Stallman and the GNU project in 1984.  While Richard has added things like the GPL license, the concept of giving out the source code for the product and allowing the customer to change and improve it is very old.  This talk will address the period before packaged software existed, and how FOSS should once again be used to promote computer science education and business.

22 de agosto de 2013, 10h