Título: Specialization and Economies of Scale: Where Adam Smith went wrong
Palestrante: Mary Poppendieck
Horário: 15:30h
Local: IME/USP - sala 144B
Data: 31/08/2010
O CCSL tem o prazer de receber a especialista em metodologias enxutas Mary Poppendieck para uma palestra onde as características desse modelo serão discutidas em contraste com outras abordagens.
Resumo: Ever since Adam Smith’s pin factory, it has been obvious that the best way to increase productivity is through specialization; the economies of scale make this obvious. But wait! The economies of scale do not hold up in the face of variety. If we have learned nothing else from the Toyota Production System, we have learned this: a system designed to absorb variety outperforms a system designed to leverage scale in every system where variety is an essential element. And in software development, surely variety is an essential element. And yet many of our software development practices would make Adam Smith proud. When viewed through the lens of the economies of scale, the practices of agile development seem counterintuitive. But when the lens is changed to the economies of flow, suddenly agile makes perfect sense. It’s time to move from the pin factory to the internet, and get with the flow!
Currículo da palestrante: Mary Poppendieck found herself managing a government software project in 1998, where she first encountered the word “waterfall.” When Mary compared her experience in successful software and product development to the prevailing opinions about how to manage software projects, she decided the time had come for a new paradigm. She wrote the award-winning book Lean Software Development: An Agile Toolkit in 2003 to explain how the lean principles from manufacturing offer a better approach to software development. She currently lectures and teaches classes with her husband Tom. Based on their on-going learning, they wrote a second book, Implementing Lean Software Development: From Concept to Cash in 2006, and a third, Leading Lean Software Development: Results are Not the Point in 2009.
- Data
- 31 de agosto de 2010