
You may also be interested in the inactive projects.

New technologies
Theory of computation, algorithms, artificial intelligence
Society, arts, education, humanities
Computing applied to science
High performance computing and networking
Methodology, quality, business models



Lost and found site for the University of São Paulo. This project is a web system developed in Rails where the user can create or search for lost and found itens and is in production on The principal goal of this project was the implementation in USP but we belive that other places can also use the system to manage their the lost and found departament.

Casamento entre grafos


The graph matching project, focuses on the research and development of graph matching problems and aiming to develop a platform to deal with several problems modeled by matching. As examples, there are the problem of interactive image segmentation and the problem of correspondence among points detected in bidimensional gel electrophoresis images for the large scale study of proteins.



The colméia project aims to automate all activities typical at an university library, offering a high level integrated software system that deals with needs from all kinds of users (students, teachers, employees, and external users).



DBoss is a project aimed at creating and maintaining a comprehensive (but lightweight) database for historical statistics on open source software projects hosted in "forges" (hosting services such as On top of this database, we are also developing a dedicated user interface, with options for automatic generation of custom reports.

Our goals and motivations



The DonkeySurvey project goal is to a tool to collect and store data on the traffic passing on the client MLDonkey p2p networks for file sharing.

The collection of such information allows the subsequent analysis of network behavior for research purposes or research. It is intended primarily to store which network nodes, and under what circumstances, seek or provide certain files (or file types), extracting statistics that are relevant to the search.

Groupware Workbench


The Groupware Workbench project develops a suite of components inspired by the 3C collaboration model. This approach starts at the group collaboration needs, analysed from the point of view of communication, coordination, cooperation, and uses software components organized around this model to compose each solution. The components available permit the composition, recomposition, and customization of services, so as to reflect modifications in the collaboration profile, forming the basis of collaborative applications for the Web 2.0.



iCG is project to introduce concepts of Computers. The iCG presents a very simple model of an electronical Computer. It can demostrate how a computer works and how is possible to build a compiler to it. iCG has 2 main interfaces, the Emulator interface and the Compiler interface. The Emulator is a visual abstraction of the Computer itself, with its main devices (e.g., memory, acumulator and input/output devices) and a few machine instructions. The Compiler is intended to provide to the student a real feeling about how to translate code in high level language into a machine level language.



MetricMiner ( is a tool that aims to support researchers when mining software repository data. As a researcher, MetricMiner enables you to create code metrics, execute them in many software repositories, extract data, and even run statistical tests. Currently, MetricMiner contains all Apache software projects, plus many popular code metrics.



The Mezuro project intends to offer a platform capable of comparing FLOSS projects and as well as techniques to the development of sets of relevant metrics for these projects. By instructing users on the use of these metrics, spreading their use, enlightening others on the interpretation of their results, it is possible to prevent technical debt. It is currently in production use at and contributions are welcome at



The Moore library implements interval arithmetic in "modern C++", where modern means C++ with concepts, as now currently supported by the latest versions of the gcc compiler.



MootiroMaps is an interactive and collaborative web application for georeferenced mapping of territories, lines and points. All the objects contained in the map can be used to create maps about specific issues.

The specific maps can be used for community planning, for planning of tourism for a specific region or for data journalism.

The application is collaborative - all users can make use of the information that has been registered by other users.

Novo NouRau


Sistema de Gerenciamento de Documentos on-line baseado no sistema Nou-Rau da Unicamp. O novo nou-rau é na verdade uma continuação do nou-rau original. Todo o código foi portado para php5.


Bugs conhecidos

Problemas na inserção de caracteres especiais da língua portuguesa no postgresql, devido a erros de codificação.

O problema está sendo resolvido.



Ns is a discrete event simulator targeted at networking research. Ns provides substantial support for simulation of TCP, routing, and multicast protocols over wired and wireless (local and satellite) networks [Text from ns-2 official page]. nsRFIDsim implements a RFID module based on the EPCTM Radio-Frequency Identity Protocols Class-1 Generation-2 UHF RFID Protocol for Communications at 860 MHz ? 960 MHz Version 1.2.0(25/10/2008) standard for the ns-2 simulator, release 2.35. The focus of this implementation is the Network layer and its mechanisms for anti-collision.

Problema da Satisfatibilidade Probabilística (PSAT)


Probabilistic satisfiability (PSAT) is an NP-complete problem that requires the joint application of deductive and probabilistic reasoning.  It consists of an assignment of probabilities to a set of propositional formulas, and its solution consists of a decision on whether this assignment is consistent. The original formulation of PSAT is attributed to George Boole (1854).



scriptLattes é um script desenvolvido em perl para a extração e compilação de (1) produções bibliográficas e (2) orientações de um conjunto de pesquisadores cadastrados na plataforma Lattes do CNPq. O script gera páginas Web contendo a totalização e classificação dos dados de acordo com o seu tipo e gera um interessante grafo de colaborações entre pesquisadores.

Vigia Político


Utilizando a mesma tecnologia que o Netflix e a Amazon usam para recomendar filmes, Vigia Político é um aplicativo que aprende os “gostos” dos usuários em relação a leis que estão sendo votadas. Com isso, é possível avisar quando os representantes provavelmente irão votar contra os seus interesses, ou seja, o aplicativo “chama” quando você precisa se manifestar. Por isso o nome Vigia Político: o aplicativo estará sempre acompanhando os movimentos dos seus representantes e avisando só no momento de necessidade, ou seja, no momento em que há uma provável discordância entre você e eles.