The Computação Brasil Magazine, published by Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (Brazilian Computing Society), dedicated its 27th edition to Free Software. Nelson Lago, technical manager of the CCSL-IME/USP, and Fabio Kon, Computer Science Professor also at IME-USP, were the special edition editors.
By means of scientific analysis and research, the magazine deals with the current relevance of FLOSS and brings important musings about the future of the development of Open Source platforms and their applications in various environments.
Some of the research done at CCSL is presented on this edition. One particular work, “Deixem-me ajudar! Novatos em projetos de software livre enfrentam muitas barreiras” (Let me help! Newbies in FLOSS projects face many barriers), by Marco Aurélio Gerosa and Igor Steinmacher, presents the recent Ph.D. work of Steinmacher, which tries to identify and understand the barriers faced by newcomers, and propose strategies to minimize them.
Check the online version of the magazine out, in Flash; or download the PDF version of the magazine.