On April 16, 2010, William Colen, a member of the CCSL (FLOSS Competence Center) at IME/USP, was awarded the Voo Livre (Free Flight)
Award, Development category, sponsored by the Brazilian National BrOffice.org Meeting, where BrOffice.org is the Brazilian OpenOffice.org community. The award is offered biannually to those who contribute in making an increasingly free society, allowing the BrOffice.org project to "fly" higher.
The award was presented in Cuiaba, MT, during the IV National Meeting of BrOffice.org. William is a developer of CoGrOO, the Brazilian Portuguese Grammar Checker for BrOffice.org, which is developed by CCSL in partnership with BrOffice.org.
At the award occasion, Mr. Colen thanked the prize, stating that the CoGrOO project's success is due to the collaboration of many people.
The award addresses the efforts of everyone that has contributed or is still contributing to the project, both programmers and users.
The Grammar Checker CoGrOO is currently developed at IME-USP, and is one of the projects currently developed by the Natural Language
Processing group coordinated by prof. Dr. Marcelo Finger. The group currently has six participants, which five of them are post graduate
Photo1: from left to Right – Carlos Menezes, William Colen and Marcelo Finger.
Photo2: from left to Right– Michel Oleynik, Wesley Seidel, William Colen, Marcelo Finger, Rodrigo Zaccara and Thiago Maciel Batista