The FLOSS Competence Center CCSL supported the first Workshop on Computational Linguistics at USP-SP. The event, held on November 10, 2009, brought together professors, researchers and students from different units of the São Paulo campus of University of São Paulo, especially FFLCH, Poli and IME, for a course of lectures and discussions on the subject. A consensus among participants was the need to promote better interaction and collaboration between researchers from the different institutes, as well as providing a shared repository of resources and free tools.
The event offered lectures given by three researchers from the CCSL, Rebecca Battes (PhD), from Borboleta project, and Marcelo Finger and William Colen, from CoGrOO project.
Check the full schedule of the event:
08h00 - 08h30: Abertura
Prof. Dr. Marcos Lopes (DL FFLCH/USP)
08h30 - 09h30: Introduction to automatic speech recognition
Profa. Dra. Rebecca Bates (Comp. Science Department, Minnesota State University, Mankato)
09h30 - 11h00: Introdução ao Aprendizado Automático Aplicado à Linguística Computacional
Prof. Dr. Marcelo Finger (DCC IME/USP)
11h15 - 12h00: Projeto COMET (Corpus Multilíngüe para Ensino e Tradução): Avanços e Carências
Dra. Maria Carmen Costa (DLM FFLCH/USP)
14h00 - 15h30: PLN na prática: exercícios para o aprendizado de PLN
Prof. Dr. Jorge Kinoshita (PCS Poli/USP)
15h30 - 16h15: Desafios do processamento de textos antigos: primeiros experimentos na Brasiliana Digital
Profa. Dra. Maria Clara Paixão (DLCV FFLCH/USP)
16h30 - 17h15: Softwares livres para o processamento de linguagens naturais
William Colen (DCC IME/USP - CCSL/USP)
17h15 - 18h00: Um etiquetador morfossintático e minha experiência na UPenn
Fábio Kepler (DCC IME/USP - Brasiliana/USP)
Some photos of the event: