The day to day of a startup


CCSL promotes the presentation "The day to day of a startup", by Daniel Cukier, nowadays is CTO on Elo7 and is doing doctorate in Computer Science on Universidade de São Paulo in the area of Cloud Computing.

Date: 21/11
Time: 14hs
Where: Auditório Jacy Monteiro (bloco B) – IME/USP

Summary: The startup topic is trending in Brazil, mainly in the latest 2 years. But how in fact is done the work in a startup? Does it worth to leave everything to start your own business? The startup world is not a bed of roses, it's not! What are que problems that a startup faces? How does it scape from a trap? How to find partners and investors? In this lecture, it will be told real startup cases, both success and failures, as well accumulated learnings.

Daniel Cukier works with software development since 1995, mainly with Java and Ruby (Rails). Nowadays is CTO on Elo7 and is doing doctorate in Computer Science on Universidade de São Paulo in the area of Cloud Computing. He did master also on IME-USP with the essay Patterns for introducing new ideas in the software industry (see the video).  Active in the agile community since 2005, when joined Agilcoop, producing podcasts, articles and teaching courses about agility. Introduced the use of Agile Methods on Locaweb, biggest Latin America hosting company, where participated of many software projects in the area of SaaS and IaS. Organized the event DevOpsDays Brasil, a meeting of developers with sysadmin. He is the AgileAndArt blog author, where is used to write about web development and arts. Beyond the presence in the software area, works with theater, music (plays guitar) and poetry.

November 21st, 2012 at 14h