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Artigos relacionados

Uma lista de alguns artigos e trabalhos relacionados.

W.D.C. Silva, M. Finger, and C.E.D. Menezes. Open text annotators using apache uima. In PROPOR 2010, April 2010.

Kinoshita, J., Salvador, L. N., and Menezes, C. E. 2007. CoGrOO - An OpenOffice Grammar Checker. In Proceedings of the Seventh international Conference on intelligent Systems Design and Applications (October 20 - 24, 2007). ISDA. IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, 525-530.

J. Kinoshita, L.N. Salvador, C.E.D. Menezes, CoGrOO: a Brazilian-Portuguese Grammar Checker based on the CETENFOLHA Corpus, In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2006, Genoa, Italy, 2006.

W.D.C.M. Silva, M. Suzumura, F.W. Gusukuma, D.A.M. PIRES, Corretor Gramatical Acoplável ao OpenOffice.org - CoGrOO 2.0, Bachelor on Electric and Computing Engineering end-of-course Monograph, Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo, Brazil, 2006.

S.C. Uliano, C.E.D. Menezes, F.W. Gusukuma, Uma análise do CoGrOO, um Corretor Gramatical acoplável ao OpenOffice.

J. Kinoshita, L.N. Salvador, C.E.D. Menezes, CoGrOO – Um Corretor Gramatical para a língua portuguesa,
acoplável ao OpenOffice
, In Proceedings of XXXI Latin American Informatics Conference, CLEI 2005, Cali,
Colombia, 2005.