1. Modeling and Self-Adjusment of The Machine perfomance
Professor Alfredo Goldman - Access to page
Professor Daniel Cordeiro - Access to page
Doctor Emílio Francesquini (colaborator)
PhD student Pedro Bruel - Access to page
Graduate student Rodrigo Siqueira - Access to Lattes
2. Modeling and Simulation of Smart Cities
Professor Marco Aurelio Gerosa - Access to page
Professor Daniel Macêdo Batista - Access to page
Professor Fabio Kon - Access to page
PhD student Gustavo Oliva - Access to Lattes
PhD student Eduardo Santana - Access to Lattes
PhD student Rodrigo Tinini - Access to Lattes
PhD student Yorah Bosse - Access to Lattes
Graduate student Arthur Del Esposte - Access to Lattes
Graduate student Rafael Aquino