WaveSynt is a library for MATLAB for multiresolution analysis and resynthesis using Wavelets. This development was completed in 1997 and eventually upgraded by 2005 (last update). The user loads a sound and the software allows you to choose the family of wavelets for analysis, then generates versions of the signal in different scales/resolutions (each level of wavelet analysis) that can also be heard. For resynthesis the user can choose the weighting of each level one wants to do resynthesis.
- Download WaveSynt v.3.1.4 (version 2005)
- Exemplos of analysis made with WaveSynt:
Musical gestures analysis (flute)
Musical gestures analysis (violin)
- Normalized sound samples used for expressive musical gesture characterization, played with flute and violin. Includes samples of the following events:
- Normal attacks
- Expressive attacks w/ accents and w/ staccatos
- Legato normal phrasing, accents and tremulo fingering
- Non-legato normal phrasing, accents, staccatos, and tremulo fingering
- Sustain w/ dynamics, w/ vibrato, w/ frulato, and w/ trill
- Normal attacks
- Expressive attacks w/ accents (sforzatos), c/ staccatos (materlè), c/ spiccatos
- Legato normal phrasing (glissando), and accented
- Non-legato normal phrasing, accents, spiccatos, and tremulo arc
- Sustain w/ dynamics, w/ vibrato, and w/ trill
For further contacts: wavelet at lsi.usp.br