Pointers to FLOSS resources
Some relevant organizations and Web resources on FLOSS:
- The Open Source Initiative, a non-profit institution created to foster the adoption of FLOSS worldwide
- The Free Software Foundation, a non-profit institution created to promote computer user's freedom primarily by means of FLOSS
- International Medical Informatics Association Open Source Working Group (IMIA OS WG)
- The OW2 Consortium, a non-profit organization focused on the development of FLOSS middleware
- The Linux Foundation, a non-profit consortium dedicated to fostering the growth of linux, home of important efforts such as the linux standard base working group, which aims to define standard features across distributions to ease development on Linux
- The freedesktop.org group, which defines standards for interoperability between different X11-based desktop environments
- The International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth, while not dealing specifically with FLOSS, has increasing interest in the subject and promotes a FLOSS track on the Med-eTel event
- The slashdot news website, while not specifically targeting FLOSS, has wide coverage on the topic
- Legal Corner - provide guidelines and ad-hoc advices around licensing and other legal aspects of using free /open source software (FOSS)