FLOSS Competence Centers
Here you will find a list of the FLOSS Competence Centers:
USP FLOSS Competence Center in São Paulo/São Carlos, Brazil
The FLOSS Competence Center in Brazil is located at the University of São Paulo and is a member of the Qualipso network. It formally started its activities in December, 2008. It has two branches: at IME-USP in São Paulo and at ICMC-USP in São Carlos. the Competence Center is a means for the university to communicate with the Brazilian society and software industry; it contributes not only by sharing the knowledge developed by the USP research groups but also by working as a meeting point for students, researchers, and practitioners from the region and abroad. The USP FLOSS Competence Center seeks collaborations with other research and industrial partners interested in Free and Open Source Software.

Society For Promotion of Alternative Computing and Employment - SPACE, Kerala, India
SPACE is an independent research and development organisation that has members from academia, the IT industry, professional societies and government. The objective of SPACE is to promote the use of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) in academics, governance, corporate and individual use, and use FOSS for employment generation. It has been instrumental in several important free software based developmental interventions like ICT in education, community radio, ICT for disabled etc. It has played significant role in ICT policy formulation of Government of Kerala, a region in south India. Now SPACE is in the process of expanding its activities across India.
Qualipso Morfeo Competence Center in Madrid, Spain
The QualiPSo Competence Center in Spain is a joint effort of the GSyC/LibreSoft research group at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC), the CETTICO research group at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) and Telefonica R&D. These are founding members of the MORFEO community, with which the Competence Center shares a close link. Teófilo Romera Otero, from the GSyC/LibreSoft group states: "The creation of the Competence Center is an opportunity to uplift our activities to a higher and institutionalized level, allowing a better impact for the creation of knowledge and the services we have been already offering for years".

Polish Competence Centre
This center has been established in 2010 in Poznań as an internal unit of a Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center (PSNC). The center aims at supporting local FLOSS development and adoption, in particular by providing services mainly to PSNC projects and development teams launched or evolving towards OSS models, local public administration and education sector. Its main focus will be on software development best practices, FLOSS adoption in specific domains of network services, tools and services for collaborative work and communication, interoperability and trustworthiness. The center also engages in FLOSS promotion and educational activities by supporting and co-organizing local FLOSS related events and initiatives.
National Resource Centre for Free/Open Source Software - NRCFOSS, Chennai (Madras), India
NRCFOSS is a multi-institutional project funded by the Dept. of Information Technology, Govt. of India, and coordinated by C-DAC (Center for Development of Advanced Computing) Chennai. Started in 2005, its goal is the promotion of FLOSS products, technologies, tools and approaches in diverse domains in India, such as Education and Training, Administration and Governance, Industry and Business, etc. NRCFOSS activities also include supporting research on FLOSS topics like Operating Systems and Compilers, maintaining selected repositories of FLOSS tools and resources, Networking with national and global FLOSS initiatives etc. Building a sustainable FLOSS ecosystem in the country involving the government, academia, industry and community is the long term goal of NRCFOSS.

Italian Competence Center, Italy
Mainly driven by important Italian Academic players, supported by a big industrial partner and starting from the technical and scientific results produced by the QualiPSo (http://www.qualipso.eu) project, the QualiPSo (http://www.qualipso.eu) Italian Competence Center is a no-profit no-loss consortium working on Open Source topics and techniques, operating on a National scale and addressed particularly to meet the needs of basic software and applications for schools, universities, small municipalities, healthcare hospital and SMEs in the adoption of Open Source software.
IPA Qualipso Competence Center in Tokyo, Japan
The IPA Qualipso Competence Center is organized as a section of the IPA (Information-Technology Promotion Agency) Open Software Center and operates under the budget of the Japanese government. Its goal is the promotion of OSS and Open Standards. For this goal, it is providing guidebooks, guidelines, development tools, development environments, software resources, study reports, education/training materials, seminar services and evaluation services for users, industries, OSS communities, Government and educational institutions.
FOKUS Qualipso Competence Center in Berlin, Germany
The German Competence Center is located at the Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems (FOKUS) in Berlin and started its activities in the first quarter of 2009. Its main emphasis is on providing a factory for FLOSS projects and on Qualipso services in the context of technical, semantic, and organizational interoperability between Open Source systems as well as between Open Source systems and Closed Source systems. Governmental organizations as well as industry and research will profit from their contributions and the Qualipso network.
COKS Slovenian Open Source Competence Center in Maribor, Slovenija
COKS (Open Source Center – Slovenia) is Slovene national supporter of development, usage and knowledge of open source technologies and OS solutions. We provide aid and support to OS users in public and private sector and cooperation with EU bodies concerning open source and e-governance policy.
We focus on promoting usage of open source solutions and accelerating their development and localization. We spread knowledge of open source implementations, create good practice models in private and public sector and provide assistance to end users. Our aim is to connect and stimulate cooperation between developers, providers and users. We also provide market research and consultancy. We keep track of numerous open source projects and give recommendation of usage and appliance models.
Activities: End-user support; Call center for cost-free support concerning OS; Business consultancy; Public sector consultancy; OS promotion and PR; Connecting and cooperation; Public sector open source implementations; Creation and customization of open source solutions for public sector; Market research