How it happened
CCSL is a realization of:
Department of Computer Science at the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of São Paulo
Check out here building construction photos
CCSL Financing:
FINEP | Qualipso - European Comission
Rectory of the University of São Paulo | Dean of Research at the University of São Paulo
Projects within the CCSL are funded by:
European Commission (FP7)
Some Projects carried out at CCSL also received support from:
Microsoft Research | IBM Research | Locaweb |
CCSL Bootstrap Commission
Prof. Arnaldo Mandel
Prof. Fabio Kon
Prof. João Eduardo Ferreira
Prof. Marcelo Finger
Prof. Routo Terada
Nelson Posse Lago (representante dos funcionários)
Paulo Meirelles (representante dos alunos de pós-graduação)
Prof. Carlos Eduardo Ferreira, responsável pela construção do edifício
Legal aspects of free software:
Prof. Juliano Souza de Albuquerque Maranhão
Produção de vídeo
Prof. Roberto Hirata
Nelson Lago
Paulo Meirelles
Karlisson de Macêdo Bezerra (desenvolvimento inicial)
The space was inaugurated with an IMEmpreende event in 24/11/2014, with the panel "Open or not a startup" with 4 entrepreneurs from IME; Board discussion and election Executive at IMEmpreende; Cocktail, champagne pop and IMEanos network

We would like to thank all CCSL-IME/USP friends who contributed
ith crowdfunding to set up the CCSL living space.
Your help was essential to create a pleasant and
Cheerful to encourage creativity. If you haven't visited us yet, come now!

Check out here everything about Cadu Mendonça Graffiti in the Living Space
In addition to several valuable contributors who donated up to 200 reais, we also had the help of the following employees, who participated with larger amounts:
- Clarice Mester
- Anônimo I
- Jihan Zoghbi
- Anônimo II
- Anônimo III
- Adriano N. Rodrigues
- Alex Pires de Camargo
- Alexandre Freire
- Alexandre M. Bernardoni
- Alexandre Harano
- André Y. Kashiwabara
- Andrei Goldchleger
- Antonio Luiz Basile
- Atol Fortin
- Bruno Degani
- Bruno Oliveira
- Cecilia Fernandes
- Celina Maki Takemura
- Cristiano Garcia
- Cristiano Mazzon
- Dairton Bassi
- Daniel Cukier
- Danilo Sato
- Dilma da Silva
- Eduardo Hideo Kuroda
- Direct Talk
- Eduardo Hideo Kuroda
- Fabiano Aono
- Fabio Henrique Nishihara
- Fabio Katayama
- Fabio Kon
- Francisco Sobral
- Glauber Ferreira Cintra
- Henrique Mongelli
- Hugo Corbucci
- Hugo Kotsubo
- Humberto R. Baptista
- Igor Ribeiro Sucupira
- Jan Marcel
- João F. Amorim Enomoto
- Leo Ueda
- Lindalva Ramos
- Luis Francisco Rodrigues
- Luiza Pagliari
- Marcelo Hashimoto
- Marcelo Lauretto
- Marcelo Ris
- Márcio Carneiro
- Marcio Grossi de Almeida
- Marcos Assis
- Marcos R. Yukio Koga
- Mariana Bravo
- Mauricio De Diana
- Mauricio Moura
- Nelson Lago
- Paula Braga
- Paulo Meirelles
- Peter Kreslins Junior
- Renato Lucindo
- Roberto Hirata
- Rodrigo Assirati Dias
- Rodrigo Bernardo Pimentel
- Rodrigo Vieira Couto
- Rubens Altimari
- Rubens Altimari
- Seiji Isotani
- Silvia Esparrachiari Ghirotti
- Sylvio Azevedo
- Talita Perciano
- Thiago Barcelos
- Thiago Carvalho de Sousa
- Thiago Gomes Toledo
- Vanessa Sabino