Written by
Leonardo Leite
DevOps-related publications of our research group at IME-USP
- [Book] Leonardo Leite, Fabio Kon, Paulo Meirelles. How DevOps Works: Organizing People, from Silos to Platform Teams. Casa do Código. 2025.
- [Book] Leonardo Leite, Fabio Kon, Paulo Meirelles. Como se faz DevOps Organizando pessoas, dos silos aos times de plataforma. Casa do Código. 2024.
- Isaque Alves, Leonardo Leite, Paulo Meirelles, Fabio Kon, Carla Rocha. Practices for Managing Machine Learning Products: A Multivocal Literature Review. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. Vol. 71, 2024.
- Jessica Díaz, Jorge Pérez, Isaque Alves, Fabio Kon, Leonardo Leite, Paulo Meirelles, Carla Rocha. Harmonizing DevOps taxonomies — A grounded theory study. Journal of Systems and Software. Vol. 208, 2023.
- Leonardo Leite, Alberto Marianno. Microsserviços, por que tão difícil? Um catálogo de padrões para criar serviços bons de se operar. In: Anais Estendidos do XIV Congresso Brasileiro de Software: Teoria e Prática (CBSoft - Trilha da Indústria), 2023.
- Leonardo Leite. A grounded theory of organizational structures for development and infrastructure professionals in software-producing organizations. PhD thesis. University of São Paulo (USP), 2022.
- ⭐ Leonardo Leite, Nelson Lago, Claudia Melo, Fabio Kon, Paulo Meirelles. A theory of organizational structures for development and infrastructure professionals. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. Vol. 49, No. 4, 2023.
- ⭐ Leonardo Leite, Gustavo Pinto, Fabio Kon, Paulo Meirelles. The Organization of Software Teams in the Quest for Continuous Delivery: A Grounded Theory Approach. Information and Software Technology, Vol. 139, 2021.
- Leonardo Leite, Fabio Kon, Paulo Meirelles. Understanding context and forces for choosing organizational structures for continuous delivery. In: X Workshop de Teses e Dissertações (WTDSoft), 2020.
- Leonardo Leite, Fabio Kon, Gustavo Pinto, Paulo Meirelles. Platform Teams: An Organizational Structure for Continuous Delivery. In: 6th International Workshop on Rapid Continuous Software Engineering (RCoSE), 2020.
- Leonardo Leite, Fabio Kon, Gustavo Pinto, Paulo Meirelles. Building a Theory of Software Teams Organization in a Continuous Delivery Context. In: 42th International Conference on Software Engineering: Poster Track (ICSE), 2020.
- ⭐ Leonardo Leite, Carla Rocha, Fabio Kon, Dejan Milojicic, Paulo Meirelles. A Survey of DevOps Concepts and Challenges. ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 52, No. 6, 2019.
- Rodrigo Siqueira, Diego Camarinha, Melissa Wen, Paulo Meirelles, Fabio Kon. Continuous Delivery: Building Trust in a Large-scale, Complex Government Organization. IEEE Software, Vol. 35, 2018.
- Leonardo Leite, Carlos Eduardo Moreira, Daniel Cordeiro, Marco Aurelio Gerosa, Fabio Kon. Deploying Large-Scale Service Compositions on the Cloud with the CHOReOS Enactment Engine. In: 13th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA), 2014.
- Daniel Cukier (precursor). DevOps Patterns to Scale Web Applications Using Cloud Services. In Proceedings of the 2013 Companion Publication for Conference on Systems, Programming, & Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH ’13). ACM. 2013