Notation Presentation in Portuguese
Presentation in English
Presenter in bold
Technical Session 1. Software Product Line Engineering and Frameworks
Monday, 21/09, 11:00 - 12:30, Theater Building #30
Session Chair: Leopoldo Teixeira
Raphael Pereira de Oliveira and Eduardo Almeida. Requirements Evolution in Software Product Lines: An Empirical Study
Fabiano Freitas and Paulo Maia. JustBusiness: A Framework for Developing Android Applications using Naked Objects
Alisson Chiquitto, Itana Gimenes and Edson OliveiraJr. SyMPLES-CVL: a SysML and CVL based Approach for Product-Line Development of Embedded Systems
Technical Session 2. Software Architecture
Monday, 21/09, 14:30 - 16:30, Theater Building #30
Session Chair: Ricardo Terra
Crescencio Rodrigues Lima Neto, Mateus Passos Soares Cardoso, Christina Chavez and Eduardo Almeida. Initial Evidence for Understanding the Relationship between Product Line Architecture and Software Architecture Recovery
Fernando M. Oliveira, Ayla Dantas and Rodrigo A. V. Miranda. Evaluating the Performance of Adaptable Systems based on AOM: A Case Study Exploring LOM
Gustavo Waku, Edson Bollis, Cecilia Rubira and Ricardo Torres. A Robust Software Product Line Architecture for Data Collection in Android Platform
Francila Neiva, José Maria N. David, Regina Braga, Fernanda Campos and Vitor Freitas. PRIME: Pragmatic Interoperability Architecture to Support Collaborative Development of Scientific Workflows
Keynote 1.
Monday, 21/09, 17:00 - 18:30, Theater Building #30 Variation Management for Software-intensive System Families
Martin Becker (Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering, Germany)
Keynote 2.
Tuesday, 22/09, 09:00 - 10:30, Theater Building #30 Understanding Feature Interactions: From Bugs to Performance Surprises
Christian Kastner (Carnegie Mellon, USA)
Technical Session 3. Literature Review
Tuesday, 22/09, 11:00 - 12:30, Theater Building #30
Session Chair: Edson OliveiraJr
Gabriel Abdalla, Carlos Diego Damasceno, Milena Guessi, Flavio Oquendo and Elisa Nakagawa. A Systematic Literature Review on Knowledge Representation Approaches for Systems-of-Systems
Jéssyka Vilela, Bruno Figueiredo, Jaelson Castro, Monique Soares and Enyo Gonçalves. Usability and Software Architecture: a Literature Review
Gabriela Guedes, Carla Silva, Monique Soares and Jaelson Castro. Variability Management in Dynamic Software Product Lines: A Systematic Mapping
Technical Session 4. Model-Driven Engineering and Service-Oriented Development
Tuesday, 22/09, 14:30 - 16:30, Theater Building #30
Session Chair: Aline Vasconcelos
Alexander Malkis and Diego Marmsoler. A Model of Service-Oriented Architectures
José Alex Medeiros de Lima and Nelio Cacho. An Approach to Identify Exceptions Propagated by .NET Web Services
Ana Luisa Medeiros, Everton Cavalcante, Thais Batista and Eduardo Silva. ArchSPL-MDD: An ADL-based Model-Driven Strategy for Automatic Variability Management
Ely F. Prado and Daniel Lucrédio. A Flexible Model-Driven Game Development Approach