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Journal Articles
- Highly collaborative distributed systems: Synthesis and
enactment at work. Autili M, Perucci A, Leite L,
Tivoli M, Kon F, Di Salle A. Highly collaborative distributed
systems: Synthesis and enactment at work. Concurrency and
Computation Practice and Experience, v. 33, p. e6039. Wiley,
- Bringing Test-Driven Development to web service
choreographies. Felipe Besson, Paulo Moura, Fabio Kon,
Dejan Milojicic. Journal of Systems and Software, v. 99, p.
135-154. Elsevier, 2015.
- A Systematic Literature Review of Service Choreography
Adaptation. Leite, L., Oliva, G. A., NOGUEIRA, G. M.,
Gerosa, Marco A., Kon, F., Milojicic. Journal of Service Oriented
Computing and Applications (SOCA), v. 7, p. 199-216. Springer. 2012.
- Service-Oriented Middleware for the Future Internet:
State of the Art and Research Directions. Valérie
Issarny; Nikolaos Georgantas; Sara Hachem; Apostolos Zarras;
Panos Vassiliadis; Marco Autili; Marco Aurélio Gerosa; Amira Ben
Hamida. Published at JISA - Journal of Internet Services and
Applications - Volume 2, Number 1 / July 2011 .
Full Papers
- Deploying large-scale service compositions on the cloud
with the CHOReOS Enactment Engine. Leonardo Leite, Carlos
Eduardo Moreira, Daniel Cordeiro, Marco Aurélio Gerosa, Fabio Kon.
In: IEEE 13th International Symposium on Network Computing and
Applications (NCA), pp 121 - 128, 2014.
PDF. Published version on IEEE Xplore Digital Library:
- A Middleware for Reflective Web Service Choreographies
on the Cloud. Thiago Furtado, Emilio Francesquini, Nelson
Lago, Fabio Kon. In: Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Adaptive and
Reflective Middleware (ARM2014).
- On Graph Reduction for QoS Prediction of Very Large Web
Service Compositions. Alfredo Goldman; Yanik Ngoko.
IEEE SCC - 9th International Conference on Service Computing - 2012.
- Supporting Test-Driven Development of Web Service
Choreographies. Felipe M. Besson; Pedro M. B. Leal;
Fabio Kon; Alfredo Goldman; Dejan Milojicic. Open Cirrus
Summit 2011, Moscow, Russia, 2011.
Short Papers
- Performance Analysis and Dynamic Scheduling for Multicore
Systems. E. Francesquini, A. Goldman. In: II Regional
School of High Performance of São Paulo, 2011, São José dos Campos.
Proceedings of the II Regional School of High Performance of São
Paulo, 2011. Best Graduate Student Paper Award.
PDF (in Portuguese)
- Towards Automated Testing of Web Service
Choreographies. Felipe M. Besson; Pedro M. B. Leal;
Fabio Kon; Alfredo Goldman; Dejan Milojicic. 6th International
Workshop on Automation of Software Test (AST 2011) on ICSE'11
Honululu, Hawaii, USA -- May 21 - May 28, 2011. ACM.
Short Courses
- Web Services Orchestration and Choreography.
F. Kon and E. Francesquini. Brazilian Conference on Software:
Theory and Practice (CBSoft), Salvador, Brazil, 2010.
Promoted by the Brazilian Computer Society.
PDF (Presentation Slides - In Portuguese)
- Testing framework for Web Services. F. Besson,
G. Nogueira and L. Leite. International Free Software Forum
(Fisl12), Porto Alegre, Brazil, 2011.ODP
- Web service orchestration. E. Francesquini,
F. Besson and L. Leite. International Free Software Forum
(Fisl12), Porto Alegre, Brazil, 2011.
Technical Reports
- A Protocol for a Systematic
Review on Adaptation of Services Choreography
Gustavo A. Oliva, Fernando Hattori, Leonardo A. F. Leite, Marco
A. Gerosa. IME-USP, Brazil, December 2011.
- Web Service Choreography
Adaptation: A Systematic Review. Gustavo A.
Oliva, Fernando Hattori, Leonardo A. F. Leite, Marco A. Gerosa.
Technical Report RT-MAC-2011-02, IME-USP, Brazil,
January 2011.
- Towards Verification and
Validation of Choreographies. Felipe M. Besson,
Pedro M. B. Leal, Fabio Kon. Technical Report RT-MAC-2011-01, IME-USP, Brazil, January 2011.
- Automated Scalability
Testing Framework for Web Service Choroegraphies.
Pedro Leal. Graduation project. Department of Computer
Science, Institute of Mathematics and Statistics - University
of São Paulo. January, 2012