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21 a 25/09/15BELO HORIZONTE - MG

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This year the panel CBSoft offers the opportunity on the theme: How can we change the way you teach Computer Science and Software Engineering? The descriptions are detailed below.


Massive online courses, flipped classrooms, peer instruction... in the middle of all of the hype of recent years there have been real lessons on how we can change the way we teach Computer Science and Software Engineering. How to motivate our students, and increase engagement? How to incorporate changes in our field without neglecting the fundamentals? How to democratize our courses and reach students outside the university's walls? How can we leverage data from a large number of students to improve our courses? The discussion in this panel should be of interest to any professors attending CBSoft, whether experienced or not. Students are encouraged to participate and share their perspective, and of course the discussion is of special interest to students contemplating a career in academia.


Armando Fox  is a Professor in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department of the University of California at Berkeley. He is also the Faculty Advisor to the UC Berkeley MOOCLab and a recognized thought leader on MOOCs and online education, topics on which he has had the honor of addressing the California legislature, the China Ministry of Education, and the Japan Top Global University Project, as well as numerous US and international universities. He also serves on the Technical Advisory Committee of edX, helping to set the technical direction of their open MOOC platform, and the Google Online Education Advisory Council. With his colleague David Patterson, he co-designed and co-taught Berkeley's first Massive Open Online Course on "Engineering Software as a Service", offered through edX, through which over 10,000 students in over 120 countries have earned certificates of completion. The MOOC is based on Fox and Patterson's overhaul of Berkeley's software engineering course, focusing on agile projects with real customers and heavily guided by modern software practice. Their course and accompanying textbook, "Engineering Software as a Service" (now available in several languages), influenced the ACM/IEEE 2013 Curriculum Guidelines for Software Engineering and the 2014 IEEE Software Engineering Competency Model (SWECOM). He has given numerous keynotes about these topics at SIGCSE, ICSE, CSEET, and other leading venues on computer science education.

Avelino F. Zorzo  got an undergraduate and master degree in Computing Science from Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) in Brazil, PhD in Computing Science from Newcastle University in UK, and spent his sabbatical at the Cybercrime and Computer Security at the Newcastle University. Currently he is a full time professor at Faculty of Informatics (FACIN), member of the Scientific Committee at the Electronics and Telecommunications Institute and member of the Software Engineering Committee undergraduate course at Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS) in Brazil. He is also Education Director from the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC), evaluator for the Ministry of Education, ad hoc consultant for research agencies FAPERGS, CNPq, CAPES and FAPESB in Brazil. In the past he was director at FACIN/PUCRS, adjunct director of education and training at SUCESU-RS, member of the board of ASSESPRO-RS, liaison with companies for SBC, member of the board of SOFTSUL. His main expertise areas are security, fault tolerance, software testing, operating systems and analytical modeling of dependable systems.

Mirella M. Moro  is an associate professor at the Computer Science department at UFMG (Belo Horizonte, Brazil). She holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science (University of California Riverside - UCR, 2007), and MSc and BSc in Computer Science as well (UFRGS, Brazil, 2001, 1999). She is the Education Director of SBC (Brazilian Computer Society) and is the editor-in-chief of SBC Horizontes, which focuses on career in Computer Science. She is also a member of the ACM Education Board (previously on the Ed Council), ACM SIGMOD, ACM SIGCSE, ACM-W, IEEE, IEEE WIE, and MentorNet. Mirella has been working with research in Computer Science in the area of Databases since 1997. Her research interests include query optimization, stream processing, content-based dissemination systems, hybrid XML/relational modeling, and social networks.