Project Members
- Fabio Kon (Principal Investigator, IME/USP)
- Rubens Kon (Preventive Medicine, Director of the Academic Primary Healthcare Center of Butantã, FM-USP)
- João Eduardo Ferreira (Database systems, IME-USP)
- Routo Terada (Criptography and data security, IME-USP)
- Flavio C. S. Silva (Intelligent systems, IME-USP)
- Carlos Hitoshi Morimoto (Human-computer interaction, IME-USP)
- Alfredo Goldman (Mobile computing, IME/USP)
- Ângela Maria Machado de Lima (Preventive medicine and gerontology, EACH/USPLeste)
- Arlindo Flávio Conceicao (Voice and video over IEEE 802.11 wireless networks, UNIFESP)
- Becky Bates (Voice recognition, Minnesota State University)
Primary Health Center Professionals
- Carine Telles Sangaletti (Nurse, Academic Primary Healthcare Center of Butantã, FM-USP)
- Gisele Magalhães Lanferini (Nurse, Academic Primary Healthcare Center of Butantã, FM-USP)
- José Ricardo Brandão (Doctor, Academic Primary Healthcare Center of Butantã, FM-USP)
- Norma Colucci (IT manager, Academic Primary Healthcare Center of Butantã, FM-USP)
- Shirlei da Cruz Faria (Coordinator of the files and information department, Academic Primary Healthcare Center of Butantã, FM-USP)
- Thiago Augusto Duarte de Freitas (IT technician, Academic Primary Healthcare Center of Butantã, FM-USP)
Research Assistant
- Helves Humberto Domingues (Databases, IME/USP)
Masters Students
- Cleber Morio Okida (Security, IME/USP)
- Edwin Miguel Triana Gomez (Speech Recognition, IME/USP)
- Gustavo Luiz Duarte (Mobile Database Sincronization, IME/USP)
- Rafael J. Peres Correia (General architecture, IME/USP)
Undergraduate Students
- Pedro Morhy Borges Leal (Undergrad Intern, IME/USP)
- Rafael Lisboa Pereira (Video transmission in wireless networks, UNIFESP
- Bruno Naponiello (Video transmission in wireless networks, UNIFESP)
- João Victor Peterson Rezende (Video transmission in wireless networks, UNIFESP)
Former contributors
- Thiago Colucci (Undergrad Intern, IME/USP)
- Toni Roberto Gomes Pimentel (Video transmission in wireless networks, UNIFESP)
- Ana Paula Mota (First prototypes). IME/USP