Borboleta: A Mobile Telehealth System

An Open Source Project - Mobile Telehealth Services for all


The current release is 1.0.3. The release notes describe the changes.
Use the link below to download the file for the current release:

To download the source code, follow this link: Borboleta source code. After that, do:

  • git clone borboleta.git.bundle
  • cd borboleta.git
  • for b in $(git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:lstrip=-1)' refs/remotes); do git branch $b refs/remotes/origin/$b && git branch -D -r origin/$b; done
  • git switch main
  • cd borboleta-movel
SAGUISaúde - Unified Health Information Management System

The current release is 0.4. The release notes describe the changes.
Use the link below to download the package for the current release:

To download the source code, follow this link: SAGUISaúde source code. After that, do:

  • git clone borboleta.git.bundle
  • cd borboleta.git
  • for b in $(git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:lstrip=-1)' refs/remotes); do git branch $b refs/remotes/origin/$b && git branch -D -r origin/$b; done
  • git switch main
  • cd sagui

- Other releases can be downloaded from: all releases

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