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Analysis of Choreography Service Allocation to Computing Nodes in a Grid or Cloud Environment

Please, refer to the Publications section of our site to find the latest developments of our project. You are also welcome to download some of the project deliverables following the links below. A lot more info about the development of the scheduler and related subjects can be read here.

Have fun!


  • Research Line 3 Presentation PDF
  • Short Study on the current schedulers and profilers  PDF (in Portuguese)

Prototype Scheduler

You can download unstable/incomplete versions of the prototype following the links below. We expect to have a functional stable implementation by the end of 2011.

Or, alternatively it is possible to download the code (under development and possibly buggy) directly from our repositories on LaunchPad: and The monthly releases can also be downloaded from there.

Questions or comments? emilio at ime dot usp dot br